quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2021

10 minutos de leitura - Fairy tales and traditional stories and a review

 Desafios de leitura e escrita nas aula de inglês ao ar livre a aproveitar o bom tempo das tardes de quinta feira ao fim do dia. Material: telemóvel, google classroom,  um site de histórias online, Wikipédia... instruções sobre como fazer uma review... a colaboração dos colegas, discussão... gravador ... algumas orientações para o trabalho colaborativo ou individual.

 Esta atividade cruza duas ações estratégicas  do Plano de Recuperação de Aprendizagens Escola + 21|23 - ler com a biblioteca escolar : Tempo para ler e pensar e diários de escrita com a biblioteca escolar.

Review 1 on " A tall stranger"

In this review I am going to talk about a traditional story called "A Tall Stranger". 

In this story a 33 year old man tells his story about one of his strangest nightmares he had  when he was 10 years old. In his story he recalls a time when he had a painful infection in his finger, and, one night, he was so scared about it that he went to sleep in a den next to his parents bedroom. That same night he was awoken by the feeling of someone sitting on his legs, the den was very dark but he could see the outline of  a tall person, so tall that he was over 2 meters.

 He couldn't move because he was paralysed in fear. But how did that person enter? They had locked the doors regularly, had a dog that would bark when seeing any stranger and the kid heard his parents in the other room, but then the person said "Everything’s going to be okay. Go back to sleep." and it had a surprisingly calm effect on the kid that made him go back to sleep. After that he went to the doctor because of his finger and his worst fear was put to rest. And after 23 years he still remembers it. 

In my opinion this story was good and had a good length.

 I wouldn't recommend it  to beginners because there are some complicated words, but overall it is very easy to read for people that already know how to speak English. 

review by Guilherme

Review 2 on " The tall stranger"

Our story is called “A Tall Stranger” but unfortunately, we don’t know who wrote this story. Basically, the story is about a girl that experienced many things that she couldn’t even explain, when she was ten years old she saw a personthat was looking at the wall. He said that everything would be alright and disappeared. All of this happened when she cut herself in the middle finger. We found this story a bit confusing because the story wasn’t well- explained and the ending wasn’t very clear too. Also, it was a bit disgusting because of the finger situation and because no one likes to see a finger without a nail. We recommend the story for people who enjoy to read this kind of stories, stories with a lot of blood and horror stories.

Review by: Beatriz, Filipa and Matilde

Review:The Parking Lot by SpookyKins

In this paper, I will be doing a review of a story named “The Parking Lot”.

Overall, I liked the story. It’s a short read, meaning one can easily pick it up and read. It’s only around 4 minutes after all.

The mystery behind it is interesting and the background to some of the story’s aspects is great at building the world where the story takes place and makes the story that much more compelling.

However, I felt like the ending wasn’t very clear. I only understood what exactly happened on my third read. Not only that, but it also felt rushed. It feels like the story ends abruptly, contrasting with the build-up that had been made before.

Overall, 7/10 story, I recommend it if you like reading.

(By the way, here’s the story: https://www.studentuk.com/2016/07/31/the-parking-lot/)

review by Jorge

Critical review of “The star money” 

This work was published by the Grimm brothers in 1812. It is considered a traditional story, and despite being dedicated to the youngest, we think it  can be recommended  to people of all ages. 

This story is about a little girl from a very humble family and her path in life.

Her parents died too early leaving her  by herself, only having her clothes and a piece of bread. She was living in complete misery. 

However, despite all the difficulties, she was very generous, strong and always kept moving forwards. During her journey, she meets many people who ask her for help, and she never denies it even though she has nothing to offer. 

One day when she no longer has anything else to give, not even her rags, she looks at the starry sky and when the stars see all her effort, they decide to repay her by giving her coins.. 

And from there she starts a new life with great riches. 

In our opinion, despite being a short story it gives us a great lesson. In other words we value the character's generosity, because despite the conditions in which she lived, she never refused to help those in need.

From this story we conclude that all of our actions have repercussions, in this case rewards since the girl had shown love and concern for others. 

We liked the story for the message it conveys and we advise everyone to read it.

review by Joana, Maria e Margarida

The Old Street Lamp

By Hans Christian Andersen

The Old Street Lamp is a tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, who is very well known for his many stories and tales that are still remembered to this day. The Old Street Lamp is perhaps one of his most obscure tales, though. In fact, the book starts with the paragraph: ‘Have you ever heard the story of the old Street Lamp? It's really not very amusing, but you might listen to it for once.’, indicating that this indeed an obscure tale.

The story correlates with death and the afterlife; A old street lamp is on its last night of service, after many years of work and many dear memories. The next day the thirty-six council members would decide its fate, and it feared that it would be a rather gruesome fate: Being melted down for good, potentially transforming into a new iron product, but what could that be? And would it remember its time as a street lamp and its many memories?

Several characters show up on the lamp’s final night, and after an unexpected twist, it would have a much different fate than what it expected, but is it any better than being melted down and reborn?

In my opinion, this story is surprisingly deep and I was honestly not expecting it to be like this. No, seriously, I thought it was just a lamp talking about being a lamp. I am genuinely surprised. Turns out it's about death. And it has a surprisingly wholesome ending too.

I give this story a surprisingly positive review and I recommend it.

review by Rodrigo

The Real princess

By Hans Christian Andersen

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